نظرانداز کرکے مرکزی مواد پر جائیں


According to Jainism's own belief, it is an eternal religion, which has always existed. In Indian traditions since the world has no beginning or end. Therefore, in this sense, Jainism has always been and always will be. In each era, from time to time, twenty-four arrow thinkers (reformers) were born and worked to revive it. The last arrow was Thinker Mahavir Jain, after him no other reformer will come.

        There is historical evidence that Mahavira Jain was not the founder of this religion. This tradition already existed in India. Mahavira's own family and even his entire community were followers of Jainism. Mahavira achieved the highest goal of Jainism through Sanyas and became the head of this religion.Mahavira's reforms in Jainism in the light of his experiences and observations, and the steps he took as the last arrow-thinker for its publication and consolidation, gave Mahavira the important position to be considered the founder of this religion. Seemed.

         Mahavira Jain was born in 5 BC in a nearby settlement in the famous city of Vaishali in eastern India. His real name was (Vardhama). He was inclined towards religious thinking from his childhood. He wanted to take sannyas when he grew up.But he could not do so because of his parents. He married a woman named (Yashodha) who also had a daughter. After the death of his parents at the age of 8, he took sannyas with the permission of his elder brother Nandi Vardhan. The Turks took on the extreme form of the world and deprived themselves of even seventy coverings. After twelve years of hard work, Mahavira attained the highest position of cognition. And instead of Vardhama, he was remembered by titles like Mahavira (Great Brave) and Jain (Arif). He then spent the remaining seven years of his life correcting and publishing Jainism. During this time a large number of believers were formed, including these thirteen disciplesOf particular importance are those who played a significant role in the promotion of Jainism after Mahavir Jain. According to the Shutamber sect, Mahavira Jain died at the age of eight.

              The basic tenets of Jainism
        The basic tenets of Jainism, called the Seven Facts, are the seven theories about the basic problems of life and their solutions, in which the basic philosophy of Jainism is summed up. Below are the facts.
(2) The soul is a reality.
(2) Ajio (non-living soul) is also a reality, which has a kind of matter.
(2) Isro (substance is mixed in the soul)
(2) Nedh (As a result of the mixture of matter in the soul, the soul becomes a prisoner of matter)
(2) Samurai (can prevent the mixing of substances in the soul)
(2) Nirjara (can remove the substance already present in the soul) 
(2) Moksha (Moksha can be achieved after complete separation of matter from the soul).

       These seven principles are the main topics of Jain theology that Jain scholars have tried their best to explain and explain. 
          In the light of these principles, it can be said that there is no single fundamental reality in the universe. Rather, there are many realities that are at the same time eternal, eternal, and fundamental. These basic facts are divided into two general categories.
      (1) Soul (living) (3) Inanimate soul (living)
      The soul (Jio) by nature has all the desirable attributes. As such, he is free from the cycle of karma and avagon. In Jainism, the soul is considered to have divine attributes. And there are infinite and innumerable souls in the universe, who have a permanent and free status in their own place.
          In the same way, inanimate souls also have a permanent and eternal status in the universe. Where there are innumerable souls, there are only five inanimate souls. However, their manifestations can be innumerable. Matter is the first thing in these inanimate objects.Which can be seen everywhere in the universe with different forms.
        Apart from matter, there are four other things that are included in the inanimate soul. There is a Dharma in them which can be interpreted as the principle of motion in the universe. According to Jane's concept, this is the thing without which nothing can move. It does not move by itself but makes the movement of objects possible.Therefore, whatever is happening in the universe is being carried out on the principle of Dharma. Dharma is also eternal and eternal. Yes. It has no weight and no volume. And it feels intangible. The third type of inanimate soul is Adharma. This is the principle of peace in the universe. That is, it is possible for something to be immobile and static due to the principle of Adharma. 

         The sky or atmosphere is the fourth type of inanimate soul. Atmosphere is an external reality, but it provides a space for all things to exist. (Call) or time is also a kind of inanimate soul in Jainism and is an intuitive reality. All the five types of souls and non-living souls (ajivas) in the genus are the six basic realities of the universe in terms of Jainism, which are eternal, eternal and permanent. In this way we can say that Jainism is an intellectual system that believes in pluralism.
         Like other religions, Jainism also recognizes the doctrine of karma and avagon. And he does not consider the end of Avagon possible without attaining salvation. 
         According to the Jain creed, the real motivator for any action is desire, that is, it is necessary to control the desire in order to make the action selfless. That is why there is a regular moral system in Jainism.Which is based on overcoming or denying desires. Following this moral system can prevent the arrival of more matter in the soul. This process of restraint is called samura in Jainism, but in order to liberate the soul from matter, it is necessary that the soul be absorbed in it. Remove the cover. So that the soul may be completely free. This process of removing matter is called nirjara in Jainism. To achieve this, various suicidal exercises are performed through which the soul is purified from all revelations and manifests itself with its natural qualities. This is called salvation.After death, the same soul that is free from revelation is liberated from karma and avagon forever


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شکوہ جواب شکوہ

ہو نکو نام جو قبروں کی تجارت کر کے۔ کیا نہ بیچو گے جو مل جائیں صنم پتھر کے۔

شکوہ جواب شکوہ

ہاتھ بے زور ہیں، الحاد سے دل خوگر ہیں۔ امتی باعپ رسوائی پیغمبر ہیں،